Catherine Lyell, a colleague who works in the area of sexual health for men has been engaging in action research in a thorny area of men’s sexual health. For several years she has conducted a therapeutic practice in this field called Men’s Integrated Health ( In her practice, she has been alarmed at the devastating impact of pornography use has on men’s relationships, physical and mental health. Its most insidious effect is that men lose connection with their sexuality, their imaginations, their bodies, their partners. There are, of course, many other pernicious effects upon our society – violence against women and children, sexual exploitation and trafficking, to name a few.
The impact of pornography on relationships seized my attention – because so much of my work is with families where relationships have broken down. Buried there, amongst the relationship breakdowns, the arguments, the sadness, is loss of connection, and very often pornography use.
Catherine has used her clinical experience as a springboard to other research and synthesised all of this into a deeply authentic treatise on the threat pornography use poses to all of us. “The Uncensored Threat” is a bold, visceral venture into this area – not for the faint hearted! A thought provoker for all of us in the field of family relationships. It uses material gleaned from practice, some of which may come as a shock to those who don’t practice in the field. But all important lessons we as practitioners, as partners, as women and men, as parents will do well to know.
The book is being published on 22 September via Amazon, for 99 cents.
A copy can be reserved via the following link